The key to having distributors stay in your organization is to get them to the
benchmark of a $300 commission check as quickly as possible, ideally within
three to six months. Your training, goal setting, and business building
strategies should be focused on that first all-important mile-stone.
"I know that in Network
Marketing, 'the only way to fail is to quit.' But I’m having trouble
convincing people in my Network about that. How do I get them to stay involved
long enough to start seeing some success?"
This is one of those truly great
"Great Questions" that comes up again and again, and there are lots of
great ways to answer it. Making sure your people are motivated by helping them
stay clear on what their own personal goals are . . . making sure they have the
tools they need and know how to use them . . . making sure their efforts are
supported by 3-way calls and meetings until they’ve got their
"sea-legs" securely under them - all these are sound approaches. But
there’s another answer -- one that’s perhaps more basic and essential.
Let’s take a nuts-n-bolts, run-the-numbers, practical look at the conditions
you’ve got to create for your people to get involved and stay involved.
There are two things which prevent
most Networkers from achieving success: (1) they don’t make $300 per month
quickly enough, and (2) their downline doesn’t either!
Surprised? You’re not alone.
But the truth is that $300 is the
income-earning threshold below which there is no Network Sales Organization -
because there are simply no Networkers to make one.
People who make $300 a month in this
business stick around. People who don’t ... don’t. It’s that simple.
Networking Enemy #1 : Attrition
No one in this profession likes to
talk about attrition. Why Not? Because it undermines the profession’s primary
positive benefit that we recite in our prospecting routines. You know the rap:
"You sponsor 10 people, and they sponsor 10 people, and they . . . and
pretty soon . . ."
Now, how successful would you be as a
prospector if you said instead: "You sponsor 10 people, and then 9 drop
out, and then the one who’s left sponsors 10 people and nine of THEM will drop
out, and then . . ."
Doesn’t sound like much of a
positive pitch, now, does it? But it is the truth, or at least, it has been for
most Networkers.
Statistically, attrition rates in
Networking average about 80 to 90% per year. That means 8 or 9 out of every 10
distributors drop out of their organizations (and most out of networking
altogether) within a year or less of signing up. Factually, that’s no
different than mainstream business startups, where 8 or 9 out of 10 fails within
the first year!
But what really hurts is that 80 to
90% of your efforts are lost . . . before they’ve had the chance to be
successful. As Dayle Maloney says, "The problem with most Network Marketers
is that they quit before payday."
But what causes this drop-out rate?
And what can be done about it?
Ask open-ended questions like that
and you’re bound to get long, equally open-ended answers.
CEOs and distributors alike have
given us all sorts of philosophies on why distributors leave our profession. But
to find the truth, let’s rephrase the question:
At what point do Networkers NOT drop
out of their organization?
Specifically, how many dollars per
month in compensation does an MLMer have to earn before a high percentage does
NOT drop out? Just about all we spoke with answered ‘$300 to $400 a month,
sustained for at least 2 or 3 months.’
And "by when" do they have
to make that amount? 6 to 9 months is best, with 1 year being the longest time
allotted. And if they don’t? They leave the organization at a rate of 80 to
90% per year.
And if they do achieve $300 a month?
They stay on board and usually become even more successful.
So why don’t most Networkers ever
get to the $300 per month level?
Answer: Poor prospecting and
sponsoring, lack of knowledge about this industry and how Network Marketing
really works, all of which leads to unrealistic expectations.
The common "pie in the sky, get
rich quick" approach can set up your new distributor for failure almost
immediately, because the truth is that 98% of all Networkers DO NOT EVER reach
those soaring heights of success and certainly not within just a year.
This creates a "lottery"
mentality that in turn creates delusional dreams about what this business has to
offer . . . and then dashes them.
We have a common misconception in
this business that $300 is such small potatoes, it’s not even worth
There’s the wonderful story about a
man who went into the business with the goal of making $300 a month. Not $10,000
or $20,000. Just $300 a month.
The man achieved that goal fairly
easily and stayed at that $300 income level for a number of years. He didn’t
seem very ambitious so he was asked about this.
As it turned out, the man had taken
his initial $300 and accelerated the mortgage payment on his home, paying it off
in record time. He then used his free-n-clear equity to buy a second property,
rented it out, and applied the "extra" $300 in the same manner he had
with his own house. In less than 5 years, he ended up owning 5 income properties
and was virtually financially set for the rest of his life. All by virtue of the
$300 a month he had earned in Networking.
Enter the $300 Solution
Now what would happen if you told
your downline (or yourself) that the first step to MLM success is to get to that
$300 a month level within 6 to 9 months or even a year? What would happen to
their expectations now?
What would happen if you told them
the real truth about this business: when a distributor reaches a monthly
compensation of $300 per month he/she will not drop out! This is a point of no
When they get to that $300 level, you
and/or your group MUST recognize and acknowledge their level of achievement.
After all, in this recognition business, $300 a month is a "rite of
passage." Call it a coming of age and celebrate it like a birthday. This
sets up a great expectation for your entire group.
Imagine for a moment that you told
your downline that the amount necessary to achieve the no-going-back level was
$2000 instead of the real $300 level? The $300 milestone would go by unnoticed,
as their expectation is $2000 for the first level of real success. But share the
$300 Solution with them and make a public celebration out of every distributor
achieving this level, and they will not drop out, because they have learned to
expect that distributors earning $300 monthly do not quit. Once they learn the
truth about this business, they will operate within that truth! It will become
the law of nature in Network Marketing Sales.
Note also the difference in their
attitude when they achieve only $150 per month.
Within the old paradigm of
"getting rich", $150 would have left them feeling like (and therefore
being!) a failure.
Now, when they reach $150, they’ll
say, "I’m half-way home!" What a difference!
So, how do we get to that magical
$300 per month benchmark? You and your downline are half-way there already,
because you are now armed with the knowledge of the $300 Solution
If you want more of your people to
stick with it and with you, too inject the $300 Solution into your teaching and
training routine. Don’t be afraid of scaring off those "heavy
hitters". Those folks will quickly see the virtue of a system that has
hundreds and hundreds of part-time Networkers all earning enough to STAY IN